Monthly Archives: November 2012

on Christmas–2, a defense of my earlier missive

I am aware our ancient ancestors readily accepted that the supernal transcendent could and did immerse itself, incarnate itself, in the world, from the plenitude of forms Zeus acquired in pursuit of beauties, to Alexander, Caesar, and Jesus of Nazareth. … Continue reading

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on Christmas

Christmas is about new life, and it is a sacred remembrance of family as the nucleus of new life. How often have I heard some too dogmatized cleric stand in a pulpit and prattle on about how Christmas is about … Continue reading

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on Forbidden Carols, a response to the question “How can I sing it when I don’t believe it?”

I know several people who love Christmas and all the carols of the season. They are, however, continuously censoring themselves whenever its music fills their hearts. They feel hypocritical chanting away about virgins giving birth, the Font of All Being … Continue reading

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