Monthly Archives: March 2013

on Sin

There are a number of terms in Christian dogmatic theology, and by extension preaching, that are often bantered about as if separate and distinct realities existing in some real or logical sequence: salvation (saved, healed, given health, restored to life), … Continue reading

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on Being Christian–2, Patrimony and Provisions

There are verses often well placed at the beginning of the communion service, verses that were undoubtedly daily upon the lips of Jesus: “Hear Israel, the Lord your God is one, and with all your heart, soul, mind and might, … Continue reading

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on Being a Christian–1, Paradoxes, Perceptions, Possibilities

Recently, a friend indulged me to summarize Christianity in a few sentences. That she was disposed to do so or that I managed so to do, I have yet to decipher which is the greater miracle. My coup d’oeil of … Continue reading

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