Monthly Archives: November 2013

Occidental Ideas, Part 3: Aristotle

Plato inherited a world intellectually divided between Parmenides’ vision of the constancy and immutability of being and Heraclitus’ vision of the constancy of change. Plato’s vision of reality is a strait vertical line between these two points, the immutable Ideas, … Continue reading

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Occidental Ideas, Part 2: Plato

In the sixth century before Christ there takes place across a wide swath of the civilized world a coup de theatre, a dramatic turn in the human psyche; in the East enter Confucius and the Buddha, in the West the … Continue reading

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Occidental Ideas (on God and Soul from Plato to the present), Part 1:Protasis

I begin with a confession. I am ataxophobic. I like order. I like an orderly desk, orderly files, bookcases, ideas, events, liturgies, etc. I realize that puts be at odds with the tack of modern society. We spend a good … Continue reading

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