IF you wish to tell me I am in error, heresy, and/or going to hell, be advised I have already been so informed by my late mother. I do firmly believe in the power of prayer; thus, rather than expending energy pillorying me, pray for me. Thank you.
IF you wish to tell me that my work suffers from run-on sentences, a confusion of punctuations and the need of an editor, I am aware. As the essence of that which I wish to convey is not impaired by my grammatical shortcomings, and as my attention is summoned by so many other matters, I must prioritize, and hope all things will in time be given their due.
IF you wish to place a question that is marked by a kind heart and thoughtful mind, please do so using the email address below. I shall do my best to respond. However, know that I am an old man, and speed is not a characteristic of the aged.
Note: No information concerning the identity of the inquirer will be posted or shared.
Note: Questions to which response can be made briefly will appear on the page “Reply.” Those that require something more will need to await consideration in future articles.
Pax et bonum
Charles Victor