Author Archives: admin

Occidental Ideas, Part 17: Alternate Endings and Critiques

The mediaeval mind found the world a bio-sphere, a living entity, ruled by God, by divine regula-tion, a creature approachable, amenable, amendable, at least by prayerful intercession and miracle. When Newton found the world a machine, he had the depth … Continue reading

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Occidental Ideas, Part 16: Empiricism

In the age of “science”, while the continental clerisy were delighting in knowing nothing except ideas in the mind, the British were revelling in knowing nothing except mental impressions made by the senses. To make sense of this Britannic intellectual … Continue reading

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Occidental Ideas, Part 15: Rationalism

The seventeenth century is customarily hailed the age wherein theorizing about knowledge (epistemology) supplants theorizing about being (metaphysics), scientific methodology supersedes speculation. There is truth here, but it ought not to be taken as a derogation of efforts past.

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Occidental Ideas, Part 14: Renaissance and Reformation

 The rise of humanism and science in the age we call the Renaissance was in no way a disavowal of Plato and Aristotle. Indeed, the ancient world, the “classic” world was experienced anew, in a new light, a new attitude. … Continue reading

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Occidental Ideas, Part 13: The End of the Gothic Age

Having read Spengler, and Toynbee, and referenced some others regarding the patterns in history, it strikes me someone ought to look at the evolution of the species in terms of intellectual diet. Thomas Aquinas seemingly provided a sound mixture of … Continue reading

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Occidental Ideas, Part 12: Thomas Aquinas (Aristotle baptized)

In the thirteenth century the mediaeval world crested, and Thomas Aquinas, the scintillate scholastic resident at the University of Paris, was its intellectual apex. His great contribution was to enlist Aristotle, the newly re-discovered “pagan philosopher”, for the service of … Continue reading

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Occidental Ideas, Part 11: An Age of Darkness?

Whensoever any great light ceases to shine, be it a civilization, a time of grace, or some lesser force, there is experienced a deep darkness, but as our faculties of sight and insight adjust, we begin again to detect the … Continue reading

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