Category Archives: on Denial, Doubt, and Divinity

What if ..?

“I do not believe in God.” I cannot count the number of times in the midst of a social gathering I have been met with that declaration. I do not know why it is said to me. I do not … Continue reading

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God, Knowledge, and My Dog

There seem to be several misconceptions concerning my recent reflections on God, psyche, soul, and spirit. I believe that Jungian depth psychology with its notions of a creative thrust (the God-image), and an integrational formulary (the Christ-archetype) provides the modern … Continue reading

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There is of God in se nothing to say. Consideration 1—the proofs of God Man has always had much to say about his gods, or rather to report about that which the gods have had to say of themselves. Anciently, … Continue reading

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Reflections on Inconceivability and Humility

The question put was: “Are Coptic Christians orthodox or monophysite?” Few would be concerned with the arcane query. Was Jesus, the Christ of God, one person with two distinct natures, human and divine, or, to put it inelegantly, one person … Continue reading

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The Question of Immortality, its Nature and Loci

An offering for the feast of St  Anne in loving memory of my parents, who first took me to her shrine at Beaupre, and of Catherine, Josephine, and Matilda, my grandmothers Is there something about the human that endures after … Continue reading

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The Easter Error

Before I begin this discourse, it is necessary to place before the reader three propositions, items I deem necessary, if not to the logic, at least to the spirit in which the arguments are performed. First, I am not without … Continue reading

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Occidental Ideas, Part 25: Peroration and Peregrination

A young man, recounting to me his university years, explained that he had initially taken some courses in philosophy and theology but, finding them nebulous, opted to embrace a career in a field of intellectual surety, in science. Internally I … Continue reading

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