Category Archives: on Denial, Doubt, and Divinity

on Language and the Meaning of Christianity

I once saw a film, the title of which escapes me; in fact, everything about it escapes me with the exception of one scene. The scene is a most excellent commentary on cultural expectations. Somewhere in nineteenth century British imperial … Continue reading

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on Bowing down to the Holy (on Time’s conclusion defended)

I must confess that of all I have said, I thought the use of the terms “bow down” and “submit” would be the least questionable. I believe man must always bow down or submit to something beyond or within him … Continue reading

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on “Mask” and its Christian heritage

The term “mask” that I am accustomed to use for the shield we must set before the face of the divine is not a borrowing from the field of anthropology or the history of religions. It is solidly rooted in … Continue reading

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on “Systems” and the proper use of language

I do not cede to the charge that I am presenting a “system”, at least not as I understand the term used in philosophy or theology. The fact of the matter is simply that the common terms of Christian theology … Continue reading

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on Faith 5-prayer, time, eternity

Every prayer, every confession of faith or fault is a dynamic of the present striving to create a better, a richer, a more healthful future. Do they have consequence, do they have power, do they have ability to create change, … Continue reading

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on Faith 4-images, time, eternity

The disparity between the randomness, chaos and cruelty of nature and the aspirations of the human heart for forgiveness and understanding are reflected in two different masks religions usually give to the divine: God the Just Judge and God the … Continue reading

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on Faith 3-why “trinity”, “love”

I shall stand by my word that “trinity” is a philosophical position. Scriptures offered varied pictures of Jesus’ relation to the God of Israel. The terms “son”, “father”, and “spirit” are the most often used. The drive to take these … Continue reading

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