Category Archives: on Etiquette for the soul

Sin and Sinfulness

Sin is not in vogue. Myriads insist they have no sins. Even churches seem increasingly hesitant to use the word. I was recently at a Roman Catholic funeral wherein the priest expressed his hope that God would not consider the … Continue reading

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Reflections on Inconceivability and Humility

The question put was: “Are Coptic Christians orthodox or monophysite?” Few would be concerned with the arcane query. Was Jesus, the Christ of God, one person with two distinct natures, human and divine, or, to put it inelegantly, one person … Continue reading

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Imagination and Communication

Several years ago the latest work from a contemporary philosopher was recommended to me. As the request came from someone I hold dear, I obliged. While the arguments were being celebrated for their prescient insight, from the start I could … Continue reading

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The absence of beauty and social disintegration: reflections

“The world is a beautiful place – to be born into – if you don’t mind happiness – not always being – so very much fun – if you don’t mind a touch of hell – now and then – … Continue reading

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O my soul: an éclaircissement

Despite at least two articles attempting to elucidate the human want for immortality, I have been again quizzed as to exactly what it is I think about “life after death.” If there were a simple answer, it would be I … Continue reading

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Logic and Creativity

I was recently told: “The Gods of logic have spoken.”  “No!”  I responded. If it is logical it is not divine. A God is divine in being creative. .Logic does not apply.[i] One may look upon the work of creativity … Continue reading

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“My soul magnifies the Lord, and my spirit rejoices in God, my Saviour”: a peregrination around soul

Protasis The first words of the Magnificat reveal Mary’s moment of illumination. They depict that startlingly calm event within which nature knows Fiat lux is always the Lux mundi. Here we have the awareness that Creativity[i] is of itself incarnating, … Continue reading

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