Category Archives: on Sacred texts


Reading between the lines of the few things the apostle Paul has to say about the angelic hosts, we find that when Satan and his cohorts rebel it is not against God per se, but the divine proposal of creation. … Continue reading

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Attempts and Temptations

Attempts The unconscious is a reservoir of the experiences of terrestrial life. It, in a sense, remembers everything from the dawn of life to the present. In it resonates all that was and, as the power of life, all that … Continue reading

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Reflections before the creche

We stand before a cattle shed. It is a bridge between nature and the homes, the hostels, the inns we make for our dwellings. Above it rise the heavens, stars twinkling and angels aglow. This humble shelter is a home … Continue reading

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“Fear not!”

“The angel of the Lord stood before them, and the glory of the Lord shone around them. They were terrified. But the angel said to them: “Fear not!…I bring you good news and it shall be a great joy to … Continue reading

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“Do you believe Jesus was God incarnate?”

“Do you believe Jesus was God incarnate?” That was the question recently asked. It was not the first placing of that question before me. I am inclined to think that often when it is asked, it is in the hope … Continue reading

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Spirituality, Part 4: Aspects of our genetic code: Jesus, Paul, John

In contrariety to Greek thought, there stand the visions of man rooted in the spiritualities of Judaism and of Judaism as reinterpreted by Jesus. The quintessential elements of Judaism are embedded in a covenant between the people descended from Abraham … Continue reading

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Spirituality, Part 2: From Reservations to Resurrection, The Evolution of God

I—The God Ambiguity God evolves. While this declaration stands the foundation of process theology, I intend it here to stand first and simply as an historical statement. The human understanding of God evolves as man comes to more fully understand … Continue reading

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