Category Archives: on Sacred texts

on Memory and Things Past

The feasts of Easter and Christmas invariably excite news magazines to bring forward an article or two on Jesus. This Paschaltide, Maclean’s, Canada’s preeminent weekly, featured an article by Brian Bethune on two recent works: Bart Ehrman’s Jesus Before the … Continue reading

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on John, Reflections on a Vision

I—A Gospel There took place at Cana in Galilee a wedding. The mother of Jesus was there, and Jesus and his disciples had also been invited.  When the supply of wine was nearly depleted, Jesus’ mother said to him: “They … Continue reading

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The Serpent and the Symbol

Sacred texts and tales frequently tell of a serpent. The serpentine symbol carries varied understandings for it is the nature of a symbol to stand as portal to an unfathomable well of meaningfulness, the subconscious intimacy with the primal forces … Continue reading

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on the Virginity of Mary

Regarding the virginity of Mary, there are some who argue that this is a latter day notion, the result of a gospel reference to the prophet Isaiah wherein he claims a “young woman” in the royal household will give birth, … Continue reading

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In Defence of Christmas Stories

I once noted that there seems to be no part of holy writ so well defended from the pulpit as the story of the wandering Magi and the Christmas star. It seems also that every year my Christmas reflections are … Continue reading

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“Christmas comes again”

“Christmas comes again”—so begins one of my favourite songs of this festive season, perhaps the most convivial of times reserved for celebration, for gathering together in high-minded good will and good cheer. Yet, there are some who are perturbed by … Continue reading

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Occidental Ideas, Part 8: Beginnings

Having summarily set out a parcel of the foundational considerations of occidental philosophy and spirituality, we pause here to look both back and forward in order to gage, to some degree, their impact on the items foremost in our interest: … Continue reading

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