Category Archives: Uncategorized

The Sacramental Presence, a peregrination in seven parts

i Scripture The ancient church undoubtedly believed the bread and wine shared in memory of Christ’s life and death were indeed the body and blood of Jesus Christ. The earliest record, that of the apostle Paul to the church in … Continue reading

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God, Knowledge, and My Dog

There seem to be several misconceptions concerning my recent reflections on God, psyche, soul, and spirit. I believe that Jungian depth psychology with its notions of a creative thrust (the God-image), and an integrational formulary (the Christ-archetype) provides the modern … Continue reading

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There is of God in se nothing to say. Consideration 1—the proofs of God Man has always had much to say about his gods, or rather to report about that which the gods have had to say of themselves. Anciently, … Continue reading

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Sin and Sinfulness

Sin is not in vogue. Myriads insist they have no sins. Even churches seem increasingly hesitant to use the word. I was recently at a Roman Catholic funeral wherein the priest expressed his hope that God would not consider the … Continue reading

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Imagination and Communication

Several years ago the latest work from a contemporary philosopher was recommended to me. As the request came from someone I hold dear, I obliged. While the arguments were being celebrated for their prescient insight, from the start I could … Continue reading

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Spirituality, Part 2: From Reservations to Resurrection, The Evolution of God

I—The God Ambiguity God evolves. While this declaration stands the foundation of process theology, I intend it here to stand first and simply as an historical statement. The human understanding of God evolves as man comes to more fully understand … Continue reading

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