“Christmas comes again”

“Christmas comes again”—so begins one of my favourite songs of this festive season, perhaps the most convivial of times reserved for celebration, for gathering together in high-minded good will and good cheer. Yet, there are some who are perturbed by any locking of the “holiday” season onto Jesus or the religion that claims him. To that mind-set I am compelled to play apologist.

Whether one looks upon Jesus “called the Christ” as a religious reformer, a prophet, a divine being, or simply an ordinary man caught up in social histrionics and made into something more than he was, it must be acknowledged that this Jesus set in motion an ideal that has made the Western world we so value. If he is not the creator of our world, he is its inspiration. Continue reading

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on Things Foreign–A Divertimento

There is this lesson given in the Chandogya Upanishad, a sacred text of Hinduism.

“Just as a bird, tied to a string will fly around in all directions, and finding no resting place anywhere else, will resort to the very string that holds it captive, so too the mind will fly around in all directions, and finding no resting place anywhere else, will come to rest in the breath of life, for the mind is the captive of the breath of life.” Continue reading

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Occidental Ideas, Part 25: Peroration and Peregrination

A young man, recounting to me his university years, explained that he had initially taken some courses in philosophy and theology but, finding them nebulous, opted to embrace a career in a field of intellectual surety, in science. Internally I was bubbling to interrogate beginning with: explain “surety”! Continue reading

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Occidental Ideas, Part 24: World Process

Philosophy and theology have anciently exhibited a difficulty in harmonizing the temporal and eternal, the ideal and real, the phenomenal and noumenal. The rationalists and empiricists of early modern thought intensified the bifurcation of reality with Kant providing a compromise, an experience based epistemology with an ideal based morality. Fichte, Schelling, Hegel, et al. seized upon his idea of ego in transcendence, abstracted it, and elevated it to the prime principle of reality. The pragmatists deflated it to the level of the merely utilitarian. Man became again the measure of all things, soon however, man himself was lost to the mere act of measuring with science and logical analysis, technology and mathematical order excoriating both practicality and artistry. But there was concomitant with nineteenth century transcendental idealism and pragmatism other visionary forces: existentialism and evolution, both of which would prove the invigoration of the artistry of philosophy. Continue reading

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Occidental Ideas, Part 23: Word Games

From Socrates, Plato, and Aristotle through to the great scholastics and on to the modern masters, all philosophers of note have been at pains to proceed logically, and to begin by defining their terms as clearly as possible. That is not to say words have not been used ambiguously or inconsistently, or understood by all in like manner. But, in general, the great scholars have done as best might be expected of their day and academics to not speak willy-nilly. The truth of the matter is this: language is an art. Our sounds may be more precise than the strokes of a brush full of paint or a twirl of the body, but still they are tools to convey an image, and the less tangible the entity denoted, the less precise the tool and its usage. We do not speak to one another in mathematical equations, we speak in words, sonic pictures, verbalized ideas, entities saturated in nuance–personal, cultural, historical. Continue reading

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Occidental Ideas, Part 22: Positivism and Pragmatism

Existentialism arises in response to the abstractness proffered by the post-Kantian infatuation with an absolute creative ego as spun out in the works of Fichte, Schelling, Hegel, et al., and it contrarily posits the individual as the ultimate point of interest and meaning. It is not the lone response. Some looked to ground humanity in something more certifiable than the individual. They set their foundations on positive fact and pragmatic action, on science and society. Continue reading

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Occidental Ideas, Part 21: Schleiermacher and Existentialism

Schleiermacher is not customarily set among the existentialists, however, his investigation into man as rudimentally aware of the contingency of his being makes him, in my assessment, the radix of this movement that surrenders the speculative search for man’s nature and settles upon something more concrete: a considered description of man’s being. Indeed, “existentialist” was a prolapsed appellation for both Kierkegaard and Nietzsche. Continue reading

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